
At last, spring is here!

Long time no see.

We finally had a very spring like weather today! (It had been cloudy and rainy
for almost a month!!) I did enjoy the blue sky with the lovely sun today.
Also, lovely cherry blossoms! The trees are in their bloom now, and they just
look fantastic.
Cherry blossom trees at our village's Shrine.

A big tree at the Kehoji temple, just in front of our Ryokan.
With buddist statues.

A big old tree on a path next to our Ryokan that used to be a
main street in older times.
I love this tree with the black wooden headge.

Birds were singing while I was having a short walk,
taking some pictures. It was a so lovely day.


Eight snowmen are await

We've got lots of snow since Tuesday. It's really a lot!
I was struggling with snow almost all day. Phew.

Actually, I had a fun during I was throwing the snow
from our car parking to a stream next to;
(You know you need some motivation when you've got
to do something you are not willing to .....) Well, I did again....

I made eight snowmen! Ok, again!
(My family had signs after hearing from me,
saying "again, Noriko ?!") By not doing seriously
my main work, I did enjoy my "mission".

I'm sorry, but they are very seasonal.
Yet, they welcome you at our parking!
Please have a safe journey to Deyu Onsen.


Winter in Deyu


During the last two weeks winter has certainly arrived in Deyu Onsen. After a bright start, we had a wet and windy day which over night the rain turned to snow. It then constantly snowed for the next 48 hours or so, finally stopping on Sat 16th Jan. With plans disrupted the only thing to do was build a snow bear.

Whilst it was obvious that driving was hazardous, the snow enhanced the beauty of the Deyu area.An added bonus was the number of birds that were seen in the garden searching for food. One morning two Japanese White-Eyes, a Hawfinch, Rustic Bunting, and Narcissus Flycatcher was all seen within a few minutes.

Staying with our feathered friends, a visit to the Swan Lake was well worth a visit, with many swans and duck present. Even more impressive were the 50+ Black Kite lurking in the surrounding trees. For those interested in birds, the Deyu area has a rich variety.

Finally I would like to mention the New Year tea ceremony that I was kindly invited to in Gozen, about 30 minutes away. It was an interesting and very enjoyable time and I would like to thank all involved.

I guess by now that you have realised that the style of writing is different this time. Thats because I'm a guest writer from Colchester, England, and have just spent the two weeks mentioned in Deyu. And I'm guessing that if you are reading the English version of Deyu Onsen Spa Tales, you are probably not Japanese. So may I suggest that if you enjoy the tales written by Noriko, then go and enjoy Deyu for yourselves. I can assure you a very warm welcome.


Happy New Year

Happy New year!!! Many happy returns to everyone in the world.

Picuter above (left) is a pair of new year decoration called Kadomatsu.
My mum's handmade!
The other picuture (right) is a tiger. It's a year of Tiger this year in Japan.

Thanks very much for visiting our homepage and my blog.
I look forward to meeting lots of smiles this year.

Best Regards,